Benefits of Socializing
From birth throughout all stages of life, humans need love and caring social interaction with friends and relatives in order to lead a fulfilling, healthy life. In fact, numerous recent studies are proving that regular socialization can add five to six years and often more to one’s lifespan contrasted to people who reside in relative isolation.
Sons and daughters of aging parents, thus, may want to consider the longevity factor of socializing when considering to place their fathers and mothers in senior housing, such as an assisted living community. Such facilities range from as little as 20 resident units to 200 and sometimes larger and provide many types of activities that allow elderly residents to enjoy mutually with other residents, who are peers.

At Priority Life Care communities, bingo has proven one of the favorite pastimes and perhaps draws more followers than other games. New faces and friends alike often meet prior and converse while playing. Even those residents with some physical handicaps can participate in bingo with the assistance of nursing aides and recreational staff.
Bingo is just one of many social ventures seniors can interact with new friends and visiting family members. Our life enrichment directors and staff are constantly adding new creatively and mentally stimulating fun opportunities for residents. Trivia games, dancing, field trips, organized bus rides for shopping, happy hours, in-house movies, music—are just some of the regular social events enjoyed by residents at Priority Life Care communities.
The dining table is perhaps the place where the closest alliances are kept. New residents are often paired with a fellow resident ambassador to eat with and introduce other residents. Sharing a delicious meal often creates the closest and dearest friends.
Ideally, residing at an assisted living community provides the benefits of those who need help in some aspects of daily life, but also offers the social benefits that increase the number of their days.