Gardening is a favorite stress reducer for our seniors.
Not everyone can be a health and fitness guru like Jack Lalanne, who lived to the ripe old age of 96. He was an avid exerciser and adhered to a healthy diet and shared his healthful lifestyle through television and print media. But, on average, those who pump iron and regularly undergo aerobic exercise such as jogging and bicycling do not obtain the longevity of those who perform daily chores such as housework and gardening.

Numerous studies now classify what seems like mundane activities as mowing the lawn, housework, and gardening as forms of moderate exercise, the studies showing moderate exercises in many ways more beneficial than high-intensity forms.
Perhaps the reason the people who live longer lives is that they enjoy their activities. Take gardening, for instance. Not only does gardening burn calories with the mild body movements required to weed and sow, but it also takes you outdoors for fresh air while enabling you to reap some aesthetic pleasure with blooming flowers and butterflies and nutritional benefits with herbs and vegetables and all those wonderful aromas of nature.
Arthritis and advancing age and debilitations can restrict and hamper the mobility of elderly gardeners. However, some modifications in the garden plot such as elevated beds and hanging baskets and plastic pots can alleviate some physical stress.
Each Priority Life Care Community has space for gardening whether there are raised beds or garden pots. Gardening is a favorite stress reducer for our seniors. Residents are proud to share a vase full of blooms or their basil sprinkled into the marinara pasta sauce.
Our communities are aware of the needs of our residents. For example, growing may start with the memory care residents indoors, using seed packets for veggies, flowers, and herbs. Once the weather is good, assisted living residents can plant the seedlings outdoors.
Priority Life Care invites you to see our gardens and bounty! Find a community near you.